South Africa and Lewis Model

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The previous image is the Lewis Model Triangle that indicates the individual cultural profiles of the countries. As seen in the picture, South Africa is between multi-active and linear behavior, this is because South Africa is a multicultural country, some call it "the rainbow nation". The majority of South Africa still has a large number of rural inhabitants who have few resources to survive, these are the closest to the multiactive behavior, because their characteristics are emotional, talkative and impulsive people who attach great importance to the family, feelings, relationships, people in general, also like to do many things at the same time because they must work hard and are bad followers of agendas, very similar to the behavior of Colombians. On the other hand, urban South Africans, who are closest to linear behavior, are highly organized and task-oriented planners, who complete the chains of action by doing one thing at a time, preferably according to a linear agenda. Bearing this in mind, if a person from the rural area of ​​South Africa comes to Barranquilla to study, the behavior of Colombians would not be very different from his, however it would be difficult to try to understand the language since in South Africa they do not speak Spanish and more specifically the coastal accent that has multiple variants. However, for someone from the urban area it can be more complicated because in Colombia people are very active and do not give much importance to punctuality.


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