IZIKHOTHANE The 'Izikhothane', known for their eccentric and wildly-coloured clothing, are typically aged between 12 and 25 and mainly come from the black middle class. They claim to be non-violent, in a country with an average of 43 murders a day. On Facebook, they often organise “pantsula” competitions, a style of hip-hop invented in South African ghettos. It is a chance for people to go to extreme lengths to show who is the wealthiest. Some, for example, go as far as breaking their mobile phones in public. The more expensive the phone, the more the act is revered by their peers. BLACK SMOKE: THE AFRO GOTH SUB CULTURE The definition of Afro Goth is a subculture of South African and dark skinned men and women that have a passion for goth and/or emo style in dress, music, and personality. The goth style tends to gravitate towards a darker palette and both clothes and makeup using cimmerian undertones.They rock an alternative look that is left of center (diff...